A parcel of land located in the suburban area of Mrčevac, on the southwestern slope of Vrmac.
The total area of the parcel is 350m², and it is currently undeveloped, with no existing structures recorded on-site.
The parcel is designated for low-density residential development. The ground floor may accommodate commercial or service-oriented activities, but these must not exceed 100% of the ground floor area. Permissible activities include retail establishments, artisan workshops, and hospitality services, provided they do not disrupt the residential character of the area.
Additionally, auxiliary structures, such as garages and storage units, are permitted and will be included in the total built capacity of the parcel.
The development allows for a maximum of four residential units.
The urban planning parameters define the development potential of the parcel. The total parcel area is 350m², with a maximum plot coverage of 40% (140m²). The maximum construction index is 1.0, and the maximum gross building area (BGP) allowed is 210m². The permitted building height is limited to a ground floor plus two upper floors and an attic (P+2+Pk).
The price of the parcel is €130,000, or €140,000 if sold with an approved development plan.
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